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cert 1

It is the international standard for good agricultural practices. It aims to ensure safe and sustainable production to benefit producers, retailers and consumers in all parts of the world.

cert 2

It is a voluntary technical-religious certification that guarantees that the products and/or services are manufactured and/or provided in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Law. In the field of food, it guarantees the absence of Haram substances in the production process, preventing cross-contamination of products whose final recipients are Muslim consumers.

cert 3

It is a system that allows hazards to be identified and control systems focused on preventing food safety risks.

cert 2

This certification guarantees that palm oil production meets strict environmental and social criteria, to minimize the negative impact of palm oil cultivation on the environment and on communities in palm oil producing regions. Learn about our progress on      RSPO:                                                 


cert 1

It is a certification program based on sustainability, based on three pillars: environmental protection, equity and the economic viability of the company.

cert 3

This standard guarantees that sustainably grown products that have been certified meet the highest standards of environmental, social and economic sustainability.

cert 1

This standard guarantees product safety through the methodologies established by the standard: Food management system; good manufacturing practices; HACCP; and the establishment of requirements for food safety management systems.

cert 1

This standard aims to create an Environmental Management System (EMS) that guarantees that organizations are committed to protecting the environment, through the management of environmental risks that may arise due to the development of the activities, products and services of the organization.

cert 1

It is the international standard designed to help organizations implement an anti-bribery management system. Specifies a series of measures that companies can implement to help prevent, detect and deal with bribery

cert 1

This certification guarantees that the products respect the precepts of the Jewish community, which are considered pure and suitable for consumption by this community.
It groups all processes from the composition and ingredients of the product to the production process.


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